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Thiol-dependent mechanisms of selenium-containing preparations and thiolylfluanide effect on electrolytes leaching and peroxidase activity in Zea mays L.


Objectives. While organic and inorganic derivatives of selenium like thiol poisons are known to activate enzymes in cells of different organisms, the mechanism of enzyme activity induction is poorly studied. Therefore, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of selenium compounds on peroxidase activity induction in maize tissues.
Methods. Mechanism of sulfhydryl groups blocking in selenium derivatives was studied on maize in comparison with fungicide tolylfluanid—a typical thiol poison. Electrolytes leakage was determined using conductometry and capillary electrophoresis, protein fractions—by the Ermakov–Durinina method, protein concentration—according to Bradford protein essay, and peroxidase activity—by the Boyarkin method.
Results. Diacetophenolylselenide (DAPS-25) was shown to react with SH-groups similarly with tolylfluanid fungicide. DAPS-25 increased K+ and leakage by 58 and 14 times, while appropriate increases for tolylfluanid were 4.4 and 1.5 times as compared to control. Increased total protein content—especially albumins—was due to electrolyte leakage from maize cells. DAPS-25 increased albumins concentration by 2.4–4.5 times, and tolylfluanid application by 2 times. Similar increase of peroxidase activity in maize roots and sprouts as a result of DAPS-25 (by 63% and 112%) and tolylfluanid (by 73% and 63%) application indicates close mechanism of their effect. Under DAPS-25 loading L-cysteine decreases peroxidase activity, which records the removal of SH-groups blockage. A less intensive effect was registered for sodium selenite and L-selenocystin, also capable of reacting with SH-groups. L-cysteine supplementation to DAPS-25 solution decreases selenium concentration in maize, indicating the decrease of selenium bioavailability.
Conclusions. The results indicated that selenium containing compounds react with SH-groups of maize cells increasing electrolytes leakage, protein content and especially albumins resulting in the increase of peroxidase activity.

About the Authors

P. A. Poluboyarinov
Penza State University, Penza
Russian Federation

Pavel A. Poluboyarinov, Cand. Sci. (Agricul.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology

40, Krasnaya ul., Penza, 440026

Scopus Author ID 55913331500

RSCI SPIN-code 1855-6069

N. V. Shchetinina
Penza State University
Russian Federation

Natalia V. Shchetinina, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Human Physiology

40, Krasnaya ul., Penza, 440026

Scopus Author ID 6603851588

RSCI SPIN-code 1027-6691

I. Ya. Moiseeva
Penza State University
Russian Federation

Inessa Ya. Moiseeva, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

40, Krasnaya ul., Penza, 440026

Scopus Author ID 7004249589

RSCI SPIN-code 9607-0306

N. I. Mikulyak
Penza State University
Russian Federation

Nadezhda I. Mikulyak, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Human Physiology

40, Krasnaya ul., Penza, 440026

Scopus Author ID 55904922500

ResearcherID S-7843-2016

RSCI SPIN-code 5278-7302

N. A. Golubkina
Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Production, VNIISSOK
Russian Federation

Nadezhda A. Golubkina, Dr. Sci. (Agricul.), Chief Researcher, Laboratory and Analytical Center

14, Selektsionnaya ul., VNIISSOK, Odintsovo urban district, Moscow oblast, 143080

Scopus Author ID 7004449622

ResearcherID AAV-1695-2020

RSCI SPIN-code 9284-3454

A. P. Kaplun
MIREA – Russian Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

Alexander P. Kaplun, Dr. Sci. (Chem.), Professor, N.A. Preobrazhensky Department of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medicinal and Organic Chemistry, M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies

86, Vernadskogo pr., Moscow, 119571

Scopus Author ID 7006433250

RSCI SPIN-code 5856-0218


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Supplementary files

1. Maize roots with 100× magnification: tolylfluanide (0.16 mM/L).
Type Research Instrument
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Indexing metadata ▾
  • Effect of selenium compounds on induction of peroxidase activity in maize tissues is analyzed.
  • Diacetophenonyl selenide reaction with thiol groups of maize tissues is accompanied by electrolytes leakage and albumin and total protein concentration increase.
  • Increase in protein concentration in plant tissues results in activation of peroxidase enzyme.


For citations:

Poluboyarinov P.A., Shchetinina N.V., Moiseeva I.Ya., Mikulyak N.I., Golubkina N.A., Kaplun A.P. Thiol-dependent mechanisms of selenium-containing preparations and thiolylfluanide effect on electrolytes leaching and peroxidase activity in Zea mays L. Fine Chemical Technologies. 2022;17(5):394-409.

Views: 523

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ISSN 2686-7575 (Online)