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This work is dedicated to the synthesis of porphyrin metal complexes for creation of dyesensitized solar cells (DSSC). Three different dyes were synthesized - zinc complexes of porphyrins containing alkoxyl substituents: with symmetric structure (Zn-P1), as well as asymmetric (type A3B) with the introduction of a donor (Zn-P2) or an acceptor (Zn-P3) substituents via the 1,3,5-triazine fragment. The spectral characteristics of the synthesized substances are compared. For all the obtained dyes, geometry optimization and visualization of the electron density distribution were carried out using computational methods based on the density functional theory (DFT). The location of the frontier unbound molecular orbitals is more optimal when an acceptor substituent containing anchor groups is introduced via the triazine moiety. However, the use of ligands containing an anchor group simplifies the synthesis of the dye and opens up more possibilities for varying both the ligand and the introduced donor substituents. As a result, it was concluded that the spatial distribution of the dye, when applied to the electrode and, consequently, the number of its molecules per unit area of the semiconductor, can have the greatest effect on the efficiency of a cell using t he described compounds.

About the Authors

A. V. Ezhov
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

Postgraduate Student, N.A. Preobrazhenkiy Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry,

86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia

F. Yu. Vyalba
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

Student, N.A. Preobrazhenkiy Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry

86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia

K. A. Zhdanova
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

Ph.D. (Chemistry), Assistant Professor, N.A. Preobrazhenkiy Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry,

-86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia

A. F. Mironov
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

D.Sc. (Chemistry), Professor, N.A. Preobrazhenkiy Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry

86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia

K. Yu. Zhizhin
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies); N.S. Kurnakov Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Russian Federation

D.Sc. (Chemistry), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of N.S. Kurnakov

31, Leninsky Pr., Moscow 119991, Russia

Professor, A.N. Reformatskiy Chair of Inorganic Chemistry

86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia

N. A. Bragina
Moscow Technological University (M.V. Lomonosov Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies)
Russian Federation

Ph.D. (Chemistry), Associate Professor, N.A. Preobrazhenkiy Chair of Chemistry and Technology of Biologically Active Compounds, Medical and Organic Chemistry

86, Vernadskogo Pr., Moscow 119571, Russia


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For citations:

Ezhov A.V., Vyalba F.Yu., Zhdanova K.A., Mironov A.F., Zhizhin K.Yu., Bragina N.A. SYNTHESIS AND PROPERTIES COMPARISON OF MESO-ARYLPORPHYRINS METAL COMPLEXES AS POTENTIAL DYES FOR SOLAR CELLS. Fine Chemical Technologies. 2018;13(2):21-30. (In Russ.)

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